In my indoor controlled test environment, as seen in my video, i lit one of the sachets as directed by actually lighting the outer plastic packet and as seen in that video the results were great. It lit immediately and once the white inner compound fully started to catch fire, it was off and burned strongly. The thing was still burning strongly with plenty of the white fuel left after 3 minutes when i snuffed the flames out myself, i would estimate it probably would have burned for at least another 2 minutes in the windless environment of my kitchen but this still shows how well these sachets work. The only additional fuel i added during my test was to add the spent matchstick into the glass with the sachet, as seen in the clip.
There are lots of sachets in the large tube and all individually wrapped in their own flammable sealed plastic bags.
Considering the expected time of a single sachet burning by itself (minus the added matchstick) in my test i believe confidently that getting a damper tinder/firewood camp fire going in more unsavoury conditions would be made so much easier if lighting two, three or four of these at once in such conditions. For bbqs etc where there's usually a built in windbreak and that bbqs are usually planned for good weather days, just one sachet should be sufficient to get your barbecue going easily.
These are labelled as non toxic which is brilliant!
When burning there are not the most pleasant smelling as they give off a similar odour to when burning hexamine blocks, but i think hexamine firelighters are not non toxic which makes these a better option. Plus, as i conducted my test indoors the smell was more apparent than if these were being used in the outdoors with the breeze to carry the odour away.
I'm very impressed with these as they are so convenient and effective making them ideal for stashing a good handful into your camping fire making resourse bag before heading into the wilderness.